Our speaker this Wednesday is Greg Allikas. Greg is a photographer who knows his orchids. An orchid grower since 1970, Allikas is awards photographer for the AOS West Palm Beach Judging Center, Florida-Caribbean Judging Center in Miami, and many annual South Florida and international orchid shows including Ft. Lauderdale, Delray Beach, Naples and Boca Raton. His photos are regularly seen in AOS publications including the annual calendar and Orchids magazine. He has written articles for both Orchids magazine and Orchid Digest and has been published in Germany, South America, Sweden and in the Russian magazine, World of Orchids. Greg also has many photos in the latest editions of the Sunset and Ortho books on orchids and supplied all of the photography for Growing Orchids is Fun (Hollingsworth), Orchids to Know and Grow (Sheehan & Black), and Orquideas en la Gran Ciudad (Verdura). The latter is the first book on orchid culture written and published in Spain. He has 2 other books he co-authored the third is a 256-page book Four Seasons of Orchids which is in a second printing.
Greg’s topic will be “Pedilonum Dendrobiums” with lots of photos. He will bring some photographic prints for sale, specially priced for VAOS.
Contact Greg at graphicgreg@orchidworks.com
Visit his website at www.orchidworks.com