March 2003 Plant Table

Show Table March 2003

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. The monthly speaker chooses the Speaker’s Choice and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for March 2003. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

Vandahybrid3 First Place Award: Vanda Madame Rattana x V. Manuadee

Grower: Katie Caldwell

A very well grown plant with three spikes carrying 31 flowers, a fourth spike emerging. The photograph fails to display the intense color of the flowers.

cymStar1 Second Place Award: Cymbidium Star ‘Beth’

Grower: Bunny Minnock

A heavily flowered minature cymbidium. This cross was registered in 1969 by Gallup and Stribling.

DenSecondLove1 Third Place Award and Members’ Choice: Dendrobium Second Love ‘Tokimeki’

Grower: Richard Amos

A multi-spike plant in full bloom. Members were attracted to the immense display of flowers, typical of its Den. nobile background. The cross was registered in 1989 and represents complex breeding reaching back 11 generations.

C.  violacea1 Best Species Award: Cattleya violacea

Grower: Richard Amos

A seedling of this species with five flowers on three spikes. C. violacea was first described in 1838 and is found naturally in Venezula, Ecuador and Brazil. This plant is a species seedling hybridized by H&R. The species has received twenty AOS awards, including a FCC in 1983 and an AM in 2001.

Rhygigantea1 Speaker’s Choice Award: Rhychostylis gigantea

Grower: Bill and Susan Fender

Five spikes at peak bloom on a well culitavted plant. A good example of a dark red form of the species, which has been cultivated in a variety of color forms. The species has received 115 AOS awards, the most recent in 2001.

Judges: Bill Fender, Walter Perrin, Jeff Higel