February 2008 Plant Table

Show Table February 2008

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for February. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place: Rsc. Iger’s Sweet Revenge ‘Hawaii’

Grower: Barbara and Bob Wagner.

Three large well held flowers drew the judges attention. This hybrid of C. Horace x Rsc. Irene Searles was registered in 1984.

Second Place: Thw. Izumi Charm ‘Grace’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Ted and Marty Kellogg

Two light yellow flowers with a strong contrasting lip color provided an attractive, bright display. The parents, Thw. Love Sound and Sc. Melody Fair, are being used in many current hybrids.

Third Place: Sc. Bright Angel x Blc. Llewellyn

Grower: Ted and Marty Kellogg

The bright red color of the three flowers led the judges to award this unregistered hybrid. The plant was purchased from H & R orchids in 2002.

Species of the Month: Encyclia amanda

Grower: Joe Crook

A nicely branched inflorescence held the flowers high above the plant and earned a ribbon for this plant. While exhibited as E. amanda, this species is now considered synonymous with E. chloroleuca. The species is native to Central America and northern South America.

Members’ Choice: Cattleya walkeriana f. semi-alba ‘Carmela’

Grower: Bob and Barbara Wagner

Always a favorite species, the two white flowers with contrasting lips impressed the members. The speices has earned 56 AOS awards; four awards going to the semi-alba form. The species is native to southeastern and west-central Brazil.

Speaker’s Choice: Thw. Cherry Suisse ‘Interlaken’ AM/AOS

Grower: Bob and Barbara Wagner

The waxy red flowers were cited by the Speaker in annoucing her choice for this award. The clone was presented as listed above. Although no record of this award exits, it maybe this is the clone ‘Jean Gilliland’, a clone exhibited by Ed Gilliland, who also often uses the varietial name ‘Interlaken’.

Judges were Richard Amos, Arnie Rapoport and Jean Terrana.

21 plants from 9 exhibitors were shown.