March 2009 Plant Table

Show Table March 2009

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of VAOS members. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for March. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place and Speaker’s Choice: Dendrobium Yellow Song ‘Canary’

Grower: Richard Amos

This dendrobium hybrid of the nobile type is very floriferous producing several flowers at each node. It was registered by Yamamoto in 2006 and is a hybrid of Den Midas Gold x Den Santana. It blooms on the new canes.

Second Place: Ascocenda Miami Snow Drop

Grower: Katie Caldwell

This is a hybrid of Ascocenda Thai Snow x Vanda lamellata regtistered by Motes in 1996. One clone has been awarded. It brings interesting color to the Ascocendas while preserving characteristics of its species parent.

Third Place: Baskets of Toloumnias.

Grower: Katie Caldwell

One of the best growers in the society, Katie’s plants are in beautiful condition and reward her with many, large sized floweres. At this meeting she brought in two baskets of Tolumnias of several plants each. Each plant had several inflorescences.

Species of the Month: Paphiopediloum hirsutissimum

Grower: Richard Amos

A well grown speciman plant of the species that was first described in 1857 as Cypripedium hirsutissimum. It is a popular plant and the species has won 130 awards fromthe American Orchid Society. The species is native to India, Burma and the surrounding area.

Members’ Choice: Sc. (Lc.) Carl Bornshire ‘Mendenhall’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Bryan Herd

This clone received its AOS in 2007 when caring two flowers. Its numerous flowers when displayed on the show table caught the members attention. The parents are Sc. Irving Dietsche x Sc. Ernie Pyle.

Judges were Aiko Anderson, Annn Hill , Ali Hicks and Joe Crook.

28 plants from 13 exhibitors were shown.

Show Table March 2009

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of VAOS members. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for March. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place and Speaker’s Choice: Dendrobium Yellow Song ‘Canary’

Grower: Richard Amos

This dendrobium hybrid of the nobile type is very floriferous producing several flowers at each node. It was registered by Yamamoto in 2006 and is a hybrid of Den Midas Gold x Den Santana. It blooms on the new canes.

Second Place: Ascocenda Miami Snow Drop

Grower: Katie Caldwell

This is a hybrid of Ascocenda Thai Snow x Vanda lamellata regtistered by Motes in 1996. One clone has been awarded. It brings interesting color to the Ascocendas while preserving characteristics of its species parent.

Third Place: Baskets of Toloumnias.

Grower: Katie Caldwell

One of the best growers in the society, Katie’s plants are in beautiful condition and reward her with many, large sized floweres. At this meeting she brought in two baskets of Tolumnias of several plants each. Each plant had several inflorescences.

Species of the Month: Paphiopediloum hirsutissimum

Grower: Richard Amos

A well grown speciman plant of the species that was first described in 1857 as Cypripedium hirsutissimum. It is a popular plant and the species has won 130 awards fromthe American Orchid Society. The species is native to India, Burma and the surrounding area.

Members’ Choice: Sc. (Lc.) Carl Bornshire ‘Mendenhall’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Bryan Herd

This clone received its AOS in 2007 when caring two flowers. Its numerous flowers when displayed on the show table caught the members attention. The parents are Sc. Irving Dietsche x Sc. Ernie Pyle.

Judges were Aiko Anderson, Annn Hill , Ali Hicks and Joe Crook.

28 plants from 13 exhibitors were shown.