September 2009 Plant Table

Show Table September 2009

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of VAOS members. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for September. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place and Speaker’s Choice: Dendrobium Betty Nakada

Grower: Carol Wood

A hybrid of Dendrobium Mini Green x Den Phalaenopsis representing the small dendrobiums. This type of breeding has produced a line of small plants which can easily be used to decorate a table top. Carols plant was covered with flowers creating an excellent specimen display. Carol reports the plant is in bloom from August through December.

Second Place : Cattleya Dynamite

Grower: Noreen Chervinski

Noreen indicate that this is a division of a plant she has had for over thirty years. It is a hybrid of C. Jane Warne ‘Alii’ AM/AOS x C. Stephen Oliver Fouracres ‘Giant’ registered by Jones and Scully in 1976. It is good to see orchid hybrids that have been kept in collections for many years.

Third Place : Bulbophyllum Jim Clarkson

Grower: Joe Crook

This is cross of Bulb. lobbii x claptonense was registered in 2003 and one of the clones has earned an FCC award. This clone has outstanding color.

Species of the Month: Trichoglottis atropurpurea

Grower: Ted and Marty Kellogg

Often grown under one of the synonyms, Trichoglottis brachiata or Trichoglottis philippinensis var. brachiata, the atropurpurea name is nearly fifty years older (Rchb.f., Linnaea 41: 30 1876). Ted acquired the plant in 2001 as 6 inch division. It blooms every August and is grown on a lanai.

Members Choice : Dendrobium unknown hybrid

Grower: Ed Soentoen

Two factors seem to influence the members. First, the intense color of this unknown hybrid and second, the plant arrangement. This tall, cane Dendrobium had its canes carefully tied to a center stake with the flowers forming a natural artistic arrangement.

Photos by Richard Amos

Judges were Wes Higgins and Jean Terrana.

27 plants from 12 exhibitors were shown.