March 2010 Plant Table

Show Table March 2010

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for March. There was a tie vote for Members’ Choice. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place: Cattleya amethystoglossa

Grower: Richard Amos

A nicely grown plant of this species typical of the selective breeding found in this species. Probably a tetraploid.The species occurs naturally in Brazil, and coming from low elevations, is very suitable for growing in our area.

Second Place and Members’ Choice: Rlc Liz Wright x Rlc. Fred Stewart

Grower: Richard Amos

A beautifully presented hybrid typical of the traditional, large, cattleyas. A full, round, good form, intensely colored plant, this hybrid has never been registered.

Third Place: Alexanderara Tara Venn ‘Mauna Kea’

Grower: Barbara Banks

A nicely staked and presented example of this complex hybrid consisting of Brassia , Odontoglossum, Cochloida, and Oncidium species.

Species of the Month: Bulbophyllum ambrosia

Grower: Bill Timm

Two interesting flowers with violet stripes on nearly translucent sepals. Petals and lip an opaque white. The species is native to China and Vietnam and was first described in 1919.

Speaker’s and Members’ Choice: Dendrobium Yellow Song ‘Canary’

Grower: Richard Amos

Registered in 2006, Den. Yellow Song is a hybrid of Den. Midas Gold x Den Santana. Den. Santana combines an intermediate to cool growing species, Den. moniliforme with a warm to hot growing species, Den. fredericksianum. This diverse background may be one reason that this plant is successful in our area.

22 plants from 10 exhibitors were shown.

Photographs by Richard Amos.