June 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Speaker: Greg Allikas
Topic: Orchid Photography for the Digital Age
Greg Allikas is known the world over for his brilliant photographs of orchids, flowers and foliage. His extensive knowledge of his subject and artistic backgrounds offer a unique interpretation that is both accurate and stunningly beautiful. He has been a commercial photographer and orchid grower since 1970. He is awards photographer for the AOS West Palm Beach Judging Center, Florida-Caribbean Judging Center in Miami and numerous annual orchid shows in the U.S. and abroad. His photos are regularly seen in American Orchid Society publications including the annual calendar and ORCHIDS magazine. He has written numerous articles for both ORCHIDS magazine and Orchid Digest. His orchid articles have been published in Russia, Germany, Sweden and South America. His most recent book co-authored with Ned Nash is titled Four Seasons of Orchids. In 2005, Greg was honored to consult on, and supply photography for a United Nations postal administration endangered species stamp release featuring 12 endangered orchid species.
Recipient of the Silver Medal from the American Orchid Society, Greg is the proprietor of the popular Orchid Photo Page on the World Wide Web at www.orchidworks.com. Greg has traveled internationally to photograph orchids in their native habitats as well as to do award photography at International Shows. He will have a selection of his most beautiful photos for sale.