April 2004 Plant Table

Show Table April 2004

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. A Speakers Choice award is given by the program speaker and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for April. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

jumella arachnanthes1 First Place: Jumella arachnantha

Growers: Bill and Connie Timm

Bill and Connie received a CCM for the culture of this clone in 1991. This plant was the Best Species of the Month award winner in April 2003.

IMG_1263.JPG Second Place: Chiloschista pusilla

Grower: Jo Davis

A small leafless orchid growing on a small piece of hardware cloth, this plant had eight infloresences averaging 8 flowers and 6 buds each.

The speices is native to India.

IMG_1260.JPG Third Place: Blc. Carolina Golden D’Or ‘Lenette’

Grower: David Mitchell

This beautiful yellow orange flower is the result of crossing Blc. Boulton D’Or by C. Warpaint.

eulophiella roempliana1 Best Species: Eulophiella roempleriana

Grower: Bob Hague, Tree Dweller Orchids

Over a meter long, the inflorsecence of this plant held 11 flowers high above our heads. The species is native to Madagascar. It has only been registered as a parent in two hybrids, one in 1917 and one in 1981.

lc  John Mossman2 Members’ Choice: Lc. John Mossman

Grower: Chris Simco, Betty Anne Brumley

This plant is a division of the Lc. John Mossman exhibited on the show table in April 2003. The plant retains its strong appeal, winning the Members’ Choice award two years in a row.

V  Mem Katherine Motes2 Speaker’s Choice: Ascda. Mem. Katerine Hatos

Grower: Katie Caldwell

This is a cross of Ascda. Jiraprapa by Ascda. Kenny Gold registered in 1999. Three of the four grandparents represent complex lines of Vanda/Ascocenda breeding. The fourth grandparent is V. denisoniana, which has contributed strongly to both the clear color and shape of the flower.


25 plants from53 exhibitors were shown.