Dr. Kristen Uthus will present a Zoom meeting for our Sept. meeting!

We are excited to announce that Dr. Kristen Uthus of New World Orchids will present a Zoom meeting for our Sept. 2nd meeting!

Wednesday, Sept.2nd, 2020 7:00pm 

Presentation -Miniatures: “Honey I shrunk the Orchids”

Dr. Kristen Uthus studied both plant and animal ecology and evolution at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the Ohio State University (OSU).  She then taught biology and ecology at several colleges including VCU, OSU, University of Michigan, and Eastern Michigan University.  The daughter of a plant fanatic, Kristen has been growing orchids for over 20 years, and in 2014 she fulfilled her dream of making orchids a full-time commitment by purchasing NWO.

Although she enjoys growing many varieties of orchids and other plants, miniatures remain her passion—the weirder the better.  New World Orchids specializes in Japanese species including Neofinetia falcata, Dendrobium moniliforme, and Sederia japonica, but her miniature selection includes many other small species including Pleurothallids, Bulbophyllums, and Angraecums.  Although never entirely up to date, you can check out some of NWO’s offerings at www.newworldorchids.com.

Kristen lives in Manchester, MI, about an hour west of Detroit.  She is supported in her orchid pursuits by her husband, Dr. Kevin Wehrly, and her two sons, Henry and Gus.

Emails will be sent to our members with the link to the meeting
Everyone will be muted as they join the meeting so Kristen can present the program. Chat may be enabled for participants during the presentation. Questions will be answered after presentation through “chat”. Please remember if your camera is on we “All” can see you.
In your email link that we send:
1) Click link below
2) You will be prompted…
If you have Zoom Client installed, launch meeting. Otherwise, download and run Zoom.
3) If new, Run audio and video test. Mic and camera controls on bottom left of zoom screen. Please stay muted.
Rebooting your Router/modem can help with internet connections
  • First, unplug your router and broadband modem from power. (If combo just unplug just one)
  • Then wait about 30 seconds, and plug them back in: first the modem, then the router.
  • Wait a few minutes for them to completely power back on. If your equipment had encountered an error, the restart should fix it and your internet should be back up