August 2003 Plant Table

Show Table August 2003

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. The monthly speaker chooses the Speaker’s Choice and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for August 2003. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

onc. lanceanum2 Species Award, Speaker’s Commendation, Members Choice: Onc. lanceanum

Grower: Bill and Susan Fender, Fender’s Orchids

Six spikes with over seventy flowers and forty buds. A vigorous growing plant originally on a slab and now overgrowing a basket. The plant wasn’t repotted, just grown on in the basket. Bill warned that the plant is intolerant of being disturbed – this one hasn’t been in some time. The plant was in very good condition.

The species was first described by John Lidley in 1836. Using DNA studies, Chase and Williams have recently placed this Oncidium in the Trichocentrum group and have named it Trctm. lanceanum.

BLC Hawaiian Passion 'Carmela' First Place Award: Blc.Hawaiian Passion ‘Carmela’

Grower: Roberta Williams.

A hybrid of (Lc Wailea and Blc Waikiki Gold) registered by Kodama’a in 1991. It is a very complex hybrid, extending for eleven generations. Sixteen differnent species are part of the background, with C. forbesii accounting one third of the heritage and C. bicolor, C. guttata and C. loddigesii another third. Three Laelia and Brassavola digbyana species are also included.

This plant had five well-presented flowers on one spike.

Ascda Crownfox Yel. Saphire4 Second Place Award: Ascda. Crownfox Yellow Saphire

Grower: Katie Caldwell.

A hybrid of Ascda. Crownfox Sunshine by Ascda. Fuch’s Gold registered in 2001 by R. F. Orchids. This cross was granted an Award of Quality for outstanding color and exceptional flower form, substance and arrangement at the West Palm Beach Monthly Judging in Oct. 2001. The cross has already received 4 AM/AOS and 1 HCC/AOS awards.

C.  Motte Spot1 Third Place Award: C. Motte Spot

Grower: Monroe Kokin.

A recently registered hybrid (2002) of C. Cognac ‘The Best’ by C. Fort Motte ‘Cheetan.’ It is a relatively simple hybid reflecting five generations of mostly species breeding. The species in the background are: C. aclandiae, C. guttata, C. loddigesii, C. bicolor and C. intermedia.

Judges: Jeff Higel, Katie Caldwell, Bill Fender

45 plants from 19 exhibitors were shown.