April 4th meeting features Paul & Mary Storm of Meke Aloha Orchids.

Paul & Mary

Paul & Mary

Paul and Mary are hobbyists who have a passion for anything “SCHOMBO” and their nursery in Sarasota, Florida holds what is believed to be the largest collection of Schombo-Laelia and Myrmecophila species and hybrids anywhere.

Paul was a featured presenter at the Mid-America Winter Orchid Conference in Ohio a few years ago, as well as at the Symposium on Orchid Species sponsored by the Coalition on Species at Fairchild Gardens in Miami last year. This year Paul and Mary have presented at the Merrit Huntington Memorial Symposium in Virginia, and the Orchid Extravaganza in Aruba/Curacao.

Paul is the botanical author of two RHS accepted nothogenera as well as several pending future nothogenera, and the RHS Registrar has recently created Stormara and Paulstormara as new orchid genera.  In addition, a few orchid nurseries and hybridizers have registered schombo-hybrids after Paul in honor of Meke Aloha’s “Schombo-Mission”.  Meke Aloha’s “SCHOMBO-LOVE 101” program, as well as the follow-up programs 102/103/and 104 in addition to their Species Only Program, have been enjoyed in many states in the U.S. and the District of Columbia as well as in the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Aruba.  Often comments on their programs include phrases like “fantastic program”, “one of the best programs our OS has ever hosted”, and a “hit and a hoot” – whatever that means!!

Paul and Mary look forward to sharing ‘SCHOMBO-LOVE 101″ with the Venice Area Orchid Society because VAOS was  Paul’s first “home society’ for several years and he is thrilled to be a part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration.  Although Paul will be selling orchids at their program some pre-orders may be arranged by viewing their web-site at: mekealohaorchids.com.

Prize winning ‘arrangement’ at Naples Show

Does this “arrangement” look familiar to anyone? I do believe this was designed by Toni Marie and sold from the VAOS Orchid Boutique. Ask Tony N. if he remembers collecting the base pieces for us a couple of years ago. See what Jane or any of the Boutique staff have to say. If I am wrong, I apologize for the ‘mistaken – identity’. If not, I want the $50 prize money for the Boutique. Third Place winner for “Single Flower Arrangement” category. Cute name ‘Woodland Fantasy’. I suspect the ‘fantasy’ of actually designing this floral arrangement went a bit too far.

Fenders’ going out of business sale.

After 38 years in the nursery business, we are finally retiring!

This is a rare opportunity for you! Our personal orchids collected over 43 years of growing orchids plus our new breeding lines will be liquidated in their prime.

Our Closing Sale will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday:

April 12, 13, 14  9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

April 19, 20, 21  9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The sale is at our greenhouses in Venice located at 254 Keystone Rd. 34292. There will be NO SHIPPING.

On April 12, 13, and 14, we offer all orchids at 50% off. Come this first weekend for your best selection.

On the weekend of April 19, 20, and 21, all remaining orchids will be 75% off.

To give you an idea of the pricing, our regular pricing for our hybrids is as follows:

3 inch pot @ $12

4 inch pot @ $20

5 – 6 inch pot @ $35

We also have cellpack trays available of many of our new hybrids.

So the pricing for our hybrids will b e 50% off of these prices during the first weekend of our closing sale and 75% off the second weekend on the remaining orchids.

We are keeping only a few orchids. After 43 years of growing orchids, we can’t just stop! We are selling the rest, including our hybrids, stock and show orchids.

Go to our online catalog to gain an idea of the great new hybrids we have to offer.

We have many stock and show orchids plus selected forms of our hybrids. These will be priced individually.

We will also be selling related items including:

Plastic Pots and Plastic Carrying Trays

Growing Benches. To see a photo, click on Growing Benches. These are metal benches measuring 9 ft. x 5 ft.  Approximately 50 available. These may be picked up after hours by appointment only. Limited number of concrete blocks.