AOS June 2010 Online Newsletter

The AOS June 2010 Newsletter, distributed to members via email, is one of the most useful and informative newsletters I’ve seen. Several excellent articles on cattleya culture including a reprint of Ned Nash’s 5 part series published in AOS Magazine in 1983. Some useful tips I learned from these articles:

– Summer bloomers have green sheaths; winter/spring bloomers have dry brown sheaths. Don’t remove the brown sheaths!

-Leaf tip browning can be the result of low calcium. High temps may prevent the intake of calcium.

-Timing repotting is critical. Wait until new roots emerg from p-bulbs and are about 1″ long.

-“Size-place plants”. Keep seedlings together as they will need more frequent watering/attention.

-Yellow cattleyas with dowiana in background may be more difficult to bloom – wath repot timing.

-When repotting cattleyas some growers trim all roots to 4″ to prevent rot but provide anchorage.

-When repotting important to keep rhizome level on the surface of the media. May require ‘leaning” the division forward; don’t bury the backbulbs that will lead to rot. This will avoid “stair-stepping” new growths, complicating future repotting.

Submitted by Carol Wood


Vanda – This group includes Vandas, Ascocendas, Ascocentrums, Rhyncostylis, Aerides and Angraecums.  They prefer to grow in baskets with little or no media.

Light: Brighter light is required for this group. In warmer climates these plants only need to be protected from midday sun.

Temperature:  Nights above 50* F. Days below 100* F. are tolerable with increased water, shading and good air circulation.

Water: LOTS!!!  Vandas do not have pseudo bulbs like cattleyas and dendrobiums, so they cannot store water and nutrients. Many people grow these types in empty baskets with no orchid media. When grown without media, they require daily watering.

Fertilizer:  Fertilize during the warmer months with any good orchid fertilizer. Some growers fertilize two or three times a week. The key is to fertilize on a regular basis. Vanda roots will benefit from periodic applications of KLN, a rooting hormone made by DynaGrow.

Potting:  Because of their large root systems, this group likes to be grown in baskets and hung in a bright location. Never try to remove the plant from the basket once it is established. A smaller basket may be set inside a larger basket. There is no need to repot.

The AOS website ( provides culture sheets for these and other popular orchids as well as a wealth of information on plant culture. If you do not have access to a computer, the VAOS Membership table has copies of most AOS culture sheets.