Meeting: Wednesday, February 6th, 7pm Speaker: Doris Dukes

Topic: How Plants Are Judged

I was born in Florida but have lived all over–Texas, New York, Alaska, Virginia, Colorado, etc.  My husband, Bill, and I have been orchid hunting in Equador, Brazil, Jamaica, Venezuela, Thailand and Belize.  Together, we have over 96 AOS cultural awards in every major genus and we lost count of the AOS quality awards we have received.  I have won the Riopelle award in 1996 and 2000 for the best miltoniopsis.  I’ve won the AOS Gold Medal for a 100 sq. ft. exhibit as well as the AOS Show Trophy for a tabletop exhibit.  I’ve been an AOS judge for 25 years and served as the Florida North Central Vice-chair for 3 years and the Chair for 4 years.  My most exciting moment was receiving an FCC on a Paphiopedilum Booth’s Sand Lady and while I grow all kinds of orchids, paphs are my first love.

Regards, Doris

Doris will have plants for sale at the meeting. She may be contacted at



Meeting: Wednesday January 2nd, 7p.m. Speaker: Bill Fender

Topic: How To Choose A Plant To Take Home

After 38 years in the nursery business, Bill and Susan Fender have retired. Bill is enjoying being an orchid hobbyist again. Bill has been growing orchids for 44 years. His first orchid plant, Bc. Binosa, received as a gift in 1969, is still thriving and blooming in the Fenders’ backyard growing area. He has nicknamed his hobby area the Fender Orchid Shrine. As for Susan, she has become a quilting machine and pretty much avoids Bill’s orchid hobby!
During their time running Fender’s Flora, Inc., Bill expanded his love for orchids into a unique breeding program using selected cattleya-type orchids that he had collected over the years. Even in retirement, Bill enjoys breeding. His emphasis in creating cattleya-type hybrids is to produce frequent bloomers with fragrant flowers. He breeds both standard and compact cattleya-types, many with spots.
Bill is a third generation Florida native, born in St. Petersburg. Bill and Susan are VAOS members.
Bill has been asked to speak on January 2 to the Venice Area Orchid Society about how to select orchids for purchase at the upcoming VAOS Orchid Show during the first weekend in February, 2013. He will provide information about what to look for in an orchid, how to read an orchid label, and what questions to ask the vendors. Bring your own questions and he will be glad to answer them.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 7th, 7pm Presenter: Bill Thoms

Topic: Bulbophyllums

Renowned orchid grower, world traveler and internationally recognized speaker Bill Thoms will be presenting a talk on Bulbophyllums (the largest genus in the orchid world!)
Be prepared to learn more about this fascinating group of plants than you ever dreamed! Bill Thoms and his wife, Doris Dukes, have been growing orchids around Central Florida for more than 40 years and have received almost every award granted by the AOS as well as more Awards for Culture than anyone else in the world, (93 in over 29 genera, including 42 in the bulbophyllum alliance (capped off with a 97 pt. Certificate of Cultural Excellence for Bulb. Sue Blackmore).
Bill is the only person to receive Awards of Quality for Bulbophyllum hybrids as well as receiving the hybridizer’s dream; an Award of Distinction for a new avenue of breeding (a Trias hybrid). Many of his crosses are winning awards around the country. The AOS has just added a yearly award named for him for the best Bulbophyllum exhibited.
The talks are spiced with funny stories and funny associations so whether you grow thousands of orchids, only a few, or none at all, you will have a wonderfully entertaining time and be able to grow anything better. Many of the most important requirements for growing world class plants are made easy to understand and remember.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn how to grow these fascinating plants and to hear one of the most knowledgeable, interesting and funny speakers in the orchid world.
Signed copies of his new book, Bulbophyllums; the Incomplete Guide, From A to WHY? will be available for purchase ($44.95, but discounted for the members).

Bill Thoms