NEW SPEAKER….Due to unforeseen circumstances Courtney Hackney can not present to VAOS tomorrow, Wednesday evening 7:00pm

Due to unforeseen circumstances Courtney Hackney can not present to VAOS tomorrow, Wednesday evening 7:00pm
NOW Presenting – Multi-AOS award winner Naoki Kawamura
His outstanding presentation on Vanda growing and culture
Members are encouraged to bring divisions for the raffle table. Lets make this raffle table one of the biggest, to help build and share our collections. It has been way too long
Due to the increase of Covid-19 in our area, masks will be required


Our September 1st monthly meeting at the Venice Community Center has been canceled due to
Covid. We had then planned a Zoom meeting that date but our speaker is no longer available.
We were unable to find a replacement speaker, therefore, there will be no meeting in September.
We have also canceled our September 9th Growers Clinic at the Venice Community Center due
to Covid.

We hope to resume regular meetings at the community center in October but we will take it month
by month as we monitor the Covid risk level in our area. Several of our members have tested
positive and become ill from the highly contagious Covid Delta variant. Our primary concern is
the safety and health of our members.
Please be patience—we will get through this and be back together soon!

Peter Lin will present a Zoom meeting on Aug. 4th at 7:00pm. The topic, “Genus Dendrobium: A Family Portrait of Dendrobium Species”

Wednesday, August 4th 2020 7:00pm. Zoom opens at 6:30.                       

Presentation – “Genus Dendrobium: A Family Portrait of Dendrobium Species”

Peter Lin started growing orchids over 35 years ago, but then stopped due to school and starting a career.  It wasn’t until about 15 years ago that the orchid “bug” came back and he is now heavily involved once again!  He is an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society, and a hybridizer of mini-catts.  He enjoys meeting with other orchid enthusiasts, and can often be found at various orchid shows and societies around the country.

Due to limited growing space, Peter likes to specialize in miniature orchids, both species and hybrids, and has received numerous AOS awards.  His interests in orchids include Dendrobiums, Angraecoids, and Neofinetias.  He is also known as “Mr Sophronitis” as he has a passion for growing and collecting them.  He maintains a collection of a thousand or more orchids at his home in Southern California in 3 small greenhouses, outdoors, as well as an offsite greenhouse.