VAOS meeting Nov 1st – 7pm

We’re fortunate to have Michael Polen, the owner of Art Stone Orchids in St. Petersburg, a premium supplier of orchids and potting supplies since 1986, back to speak on one of his favorite topics.

“Get Your Orchids Ready For A Winning Display”

He has twice been past president of the West Coast Orchid Society and speaks at many societies. He continues to participate in numerous orchid shows, including several appearances at our Venice Show. Art Stone Orchids/Palmer Orchids have previously won many AOS and society show trophies for their outstanding displays and orchids.

Michael will be discussing various techniques for getting your orchids ready to enter and win. He always has a few more tricks up his sleeves and this presentation is one you don’t want to miss.
Michael will have supplies and orchids for sale and will be happy to answer your questions.


VAOS meeting Oct. 4th – 7pm

Japanese Orchid: The Small and Mighty. Presented by: Dr. Kristen Uthus 

Japanese orchids are not typical in the orchid world as they are often collected for their leaves rather than their flowers. In her talk “Japanese Orchids: the Small and Mighty,” Kristen will speak about what makes Japanese orchids stand out in a crowd and why Neofinetia falcata may be the easiest of all orchids to grow.

Dr. Kristen Uthus studied both plant and animal ecology and evolution at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the Ohio State University (OSU). She then taught biology and ecology at several colleges including VCU, OSU, University of Michigan, and Eastern Michigan University. The daughter of a plant fanatic, Kristen has been growing orchids for over 20 years, sometimes more and sometimes less seriously. In April 2013, however, she began working with Dr. Glenn Lehr, the previous owner of New World Orchids, one of the first people to introduce Japanese orchids to the American market. After a short time, he offered her the business, and she fulfilled a lifelong dream of making orchids a full-time commitment by purchasing NWO from Dr. Lehr in January 2014.

Although she enjoys growing many varieties of orchids and other plants, miniatures remain her passion—the weirder the better. New World Orchids specializes in Japanese species including Neofinetia falcata, Dendrobium moniliforme, and Sederia japonica as well as Asian Cymbidium species, but her miniature selection has been expanding to include other small species including Pleurothallids, Bulbophyllums, and Angraecums. Although not ever entirely up to date, you can check out some of NWO’s offerings at



VAOS Meeting September 6th, 7pm


September Meeting:  Sept. 6th, 7pm
Venice Community Center
(doors open at 6:30pm)
Speaker: Fred Clarke
Topic: Spotted and Splashed Cattleyas
We’re pleased that Fred Clarke will once again be speaking at our monthly meeting on the 1st Wednesday, September 6, 2017. He’s internationally known for his informative and entertaining presentations as well as the outstanding quality of his plants.
Fred will be accepting pre-orders from his website,, for delivery to members at the meeting. You’ll be getting the best plants in the best condition while saving the shipping costs and receiving a 10% discount from prices on website. The deadline for orders is Friday, September 1, 2017 and orders should be sent to Fred at: and must include:
SVO number (from website)
Full name of plant ordered and price
Number of plants ordered
Your name, address and email.