Meeting June 4, 2014 – 7:00 pm

Steve HawkinsOncidiums

Steve Hawkins photo
Steve’s career started with a couple of Cattleya orchids on a windowsill in a Kansas farmhouse at the age of 15. After graduating college with a degree in horticulture, Steve started work at Rod McLellan Co., “Acres of Orchids”, in South San Francisco, first as a grower and later as hybridizer and sales manager over a 13 year period. Shortly after moving to Florida in 1988, he began his own nursery, Orchid Specialists, in Apopka, and grows a wide variety of orchids and some unusual tropicals in a 6000 square foot greenhouse.

His focus is on serving individuals and small businesses and educating the public with presentations to garden clubs and other organizations. He is a well-known speaker at numerous area and regional orchid societies and is a member of both the Central Florida Orchid Society and American Orchid Society. He does most of the work himself, but is helped by his hobbyist sister, Linda, at the many orchid shows and other venues where he exhibits.

He always saves time at the end of his presentations for questions and answers and will have a great selection of orchids for sale.

Meeting May 7, 2014: Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

Speaker: Dr. Antonio Toscano —- Topic: “Sex, Lies and Orchids”

Dr. Antonio Toscano is the director of the Orchid DivisioToscano Field Photo may 2014 medn, Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota. Born in Brazil, he received his PhD from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, through the University of Reading and has completed several expeditions to the Amazon in search of Pleurothallids.  The Pleurothallid alliance of New World orchids includes popular genera such as Masdevallia and Dracula and Dr. Toscano is the world’s leading expert on the more than 4000 species of these amazing orchids.

 He recently completed a Global Plants Initiative project on the orchid diversity of the rapidly disappearing Atlantic rainforests of S.E. Brazil. VAOS continues to support conservation efforts in this area through our annual contribution to the Orchid Conservation Alliance.

He will discuss the unique form and structure of these orchids as well as their complicated and sometimes “erotic” pollination methods. He’ll dazzle us with breathtaking  photos from around the world, especially from Brazil.


Orchid Envy, one of our newer local growers, will have a selection of their beautiful plants and arrangements for sale.


Growers Clinic Feb. 13, 2014

Thurs, Feb, 13,  7PM Growers Clinic: Topic “Dendrobiums 101”.  Richard Amos and Renee Brynum, expert dendrobium growers will present.  Also bring in any problem orchid plant for advice from Dr. Jimmy! Location: Here – VCC, back room.