Pre- Orders for November 2, 2016 Meeting

Pre-order information

Fred Clarke, Sunset Valley Orchids, Wednesday, November 2, 2016

We‘re all looking forward to Fred’s return visit to Venice at our monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. He will be speaking on Mini-Catts and will be bringing his best orchids for sale and will also be accepting pre-orders. Pre-orders may be placed from his website at

Place your order via:  Email: Fred

Mail: Fred Clarke, 1255 Navel Place, Vista, CA 92081


 By preordering, you will avoid the packing/shipping costs and still qualify for the Discount Schedule (See website…Ordering Information)

Preorders must be received by October 26 and payment in full (cash, check, Visa/MC) is due at time of pick-up at the meeting.

Meeting Wednesday, September 7, 2016 – 7:00 pm

Speaker: Mac Rivenbach

Topic:  Introduction to the Philippines Species          Mac rivenbark photo - jpeg.

Mac Rivenbark and his wife Helen opened Mac’s Orchids in Fort Lauderdale, Fl., in 2002, specializing in Asian orchid species, and have been members of the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society since 1999.

He is a Chemical and Hygiene Specialist by profession and served a tour in the US Marines.  His passion for orchids grew after many fascinating trips to the Philippines and other parts of Asia and he was inspired to grow and collect different varieties of Asian species.  As of today, Mac has over 300 varieties of different Asian species that thrive here in Florida.  Mac’s goal is to propagate these species and to help educate and inform others on the passion and ease of orchid growing.

Mac and his wife have belonged to many organizations and orchid societies including Mac serving as a past president of the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society. Mac’s program will consist of an educational and entertaining PowerPoint program and will also include many of Mac’s culture tips as well as many beautiful photos.

His passion is infectious and he’s looking forward to answering your questions. He’ll be bringing a great selection of his outstanding orchids for sale.

Meeting Wednesday, August 3, 2016 – 7:00 pm

Speaker: Alan Koch  Koch

Topic: Mini-Catts

Alan Koch owns and operates Gold Country Orchids in Lincoln, CA. where he grows his more than 300,000 orchids. He started growing orchids in 1969 with three Cymbidiums given to him by an aunt and continued and expanded his hobby while in college and discovered that many orchids would grow outdoors in S. California. Specializing in miniature and compact Cattleyas, he is recognized as an expert in the Brazilian Cattleya alliance and is an internationally renowned speaker.

He has been published in the Orchid Digest, AOS magazines, and the proceedings of the World Orchid Conference. Alan is an Accredited AOS Judge as well as a past member of the AOS Judging and Research Committees. He is Vice-Chair and Training Coordinator for the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center.

It’s taken Alan almost two years to return to Venice where he last spoke to a standing room only audience in September 2014. Once again, he will be bringing a selection of his outstanding orchids for sale and is accepting pre-orders until July 27th. Pre-order details and selection lists may be found in the newsletter.  Many of his orchids are very limited in availability, so don’t hesitate.

Alan is a great speaker and his presentations always entertain, motivate and educate his audience.