January 2005 Plant Table

Show Table January 2005

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice (tied this month). The following section describes each of these awards for January. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

DSC_0006.JPG First Place, Speakers Choice and Members Choice: Brassavola Little Stars

Grower: Elinor Burton

This cross of two Brassavola species (nodosa x subulifolia) created floriferous seedlings which produce numerous flowers on relatively small plants. The grex has received several AOS awards, all for culture.The exhibited plant with over 250 flowers on seventy inflorescences was within the range of the cultural awards. The hemisperical mound of flowers caught the eye of the judges, the speaker and the members.

DSC_0011.JPG Second Place: Vuylstekeara Linda ‘Ember’

Grower: Barbara Wich

Although this plant had a label from a well-known vender imprinted with the name as listed above, several ‘observers’ thought that the plant was really a clone of Vuyl. Linda Isher. Your webmaster couldn’t find a difinitive match for either name – a process made more difficult because of the recent taxonomic changes in the Oncidium group. Whatever the name, theplant presented one inflorescence with 27 flowers of a solid dark red color with a blush colored lip. We seldom see deeply colored plants in this group in our warm Florida climate.

DSC_0019.JPG Third Place: Paphiopedilum Dragon Knife?

Grower: Carol Wood

Carol purchased this plant as labeled about three years ago. The soft green dorsal and petals which have a light overlay of chesnut create a very pleasing paph. However, P. Dragon Knife is a cross of P. sukhakulii x P. Makul, which would be expected to produce a smaller pointed dorsal and extended petals with warts or spots. .This may be a case of mis-labeling by the vendor.

DSC_0014.JPG Species of the month and Members Choice: Laelia anceps v. veitchiana ‘Fort Caroline’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Bill and Betsy Scevola

L.. anceps v. veitchiana ‘Fort Caroline’ received its HCC/AOS award in 1985. The ‘blue’ lip colored forms of the species are known as v. veitchian, and only two clones have received AOS quality awards. The exhibited plant was well grown with 20 flowers on six inflorescenses.

Judges: Jane Camarota, Sherman Shonk, Howard Taylor.

23 plants from 15 exhibitors were shown.

December 2004 Plant Table

Show Table December 2004

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. No Speaker’s Choice award was given because there was no program speaker. The VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for December. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

Lc. Lauren Oka First Place: Lc.Lauren Oka ‘Kristi’

Grower: Ed and Elaine Fox

A wonderful display of a large Cattleya with 39 blooms and buds. This rapidly growing plant had just 4 flowers and 8 buds when it was exhibited a year ago. It is a cross of Lc. Amber Glow by C. Horace that was registered in 1991.

Bc. Maikai Second Place: Bc. Maikai ‘Mayumi’

Grower: Pam Bombardieri

This cross of B. nodosa by C. bowringiana was registered in 1944. The first cultural award to a grower of this clone was in 1987 when a plant with 250 flowers on 37 inflorescences grown by Oak Hill Gardens received a CCM. The same clone grown by different growers has since recieved 4 more CCM awards from the AOS. The most floriferous plant had 500 flowers and 150 buds on 93 inflorescences.

V Roberts Delight GB2 Third Place: V. Roberts Delight ‘Garnet Beauty’ FCC/AOS

Grower: Pam Bombardieri

This clone received its FCC award at the Miami International Orchid Show in March of 2004. The grex represents the current pinnacle of V. sanderiana type breeding, with other the other speices in its background (V. coerulea, dearii, tricolor and luzonica) adding to the intensity of the color and the extremely heavy substance. The exhibited plant had eight flowers.

C. deckeri2 Species of the month: C. deckeri

Grower: Elinor Burton

This fall blooming species is closely related to the spring blooming C. skinneri. It carries up to eight flowers on an inflorescence, but the flowers are short lived. Some forms are ‘cleitogamous’ – meaning the flowers do not open and are self pollinated in the bud. The short lived flowers often fade as if they had been pollinated. The plant on the table had all flowers in perfect condition.

Blc California Girl Members’ Choice: Blc. California Girl ‘Orchid Library’ SM/JOGA

Grower: Shirley Hoffman

A cross of C. Horace by Blc. Nocouchee made in 1983 and registered by Stewart Inc. The exhibited clone was covered with blooms, each a white with pale pink/blue on the petals and sepals and a bit more color on the lip. The overall effect on this very full flower was striking.

Judges:Susan Fender, Lindalee Anderson and Emma Livsey.

23 plants from 14 exhibitors were shown.

November 2004 Plant Table

Show Table November 2004

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. A Speaker’s Choice award is given by the program speaker and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for November. Two plants tied for Members’ Choice this month. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

Ctna Hamlyn's Flared T First Place: Ctna. Hamlyn’s Flared Tartan

Grower: Katie Caldwell

Katie purchased this plant about three years ago at the Redland’s Orchid Fair. It had numerous inflorescences with all flowers at their peak. The plant is the result of a cross made by Claude Hamilton of Bro. negrilensis x Cthn. Orglade’s Little Lover registered in 1995. Three clones of the cross have won AOS quality awards.

Blc Keowee WOF2 Second Place: Blc. Keowee ‘Wings of Fire’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Chris Simco

A cross of Lc. Lorraine Shirai x B. nodosa registered in 1975 by Carter and Holmes has earned several AOS awards. This clone, ‘Wings of Fire’, received its award in 1997.

paphinia Majestic Third Place: Paphinia Majestic

Grower: Roy Klinger

A hybrid of Pna. cristata by Pna. herrerae registered in 1997 by H & R Nurseries. Siblings of this cross have won 7 AOS quality awards .The flowers are pendent and were presented at the height of their bloom. Look at the larger picture to see the intricate lip. The species parents like warm, wet shady conditions, with drier conditions after growth is completed.

Ang distichum Species of the month: Angreacum distichum

Grower: Richard Amos

A superb speciemen in prefect condition and full flower. The flowers are only about 1 cm in size, but create an impressive show against the dark green leaves. The leaves are small and form two rows (distichus) along the stem. Several growers have received cultural awards for plants that have had up to 600 flowers. It is native to the area of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Angola.

B. Little Stars2 Members’ and Speaker’s Choice: Brassavola Little Stars

Grower: Chris Simco

A hybrid of two Brassavola species that grow exceptionally well in our area, nodosa x subulifolia (syn. cordata). Chris’s plant was exceptionally well flowered with the many clusters of blooms creating a hemisphere of color. There have been five cultural AOS awards to growers of this cross, including plants with 500 to 600 flowers.

Blc. Chunyean GL Members’ Choice: Blc. Chunyeah ‘Good Life‘ AM/AOS

Grower: Marilyn Dorrer

A cross of Blc. Yassie Barbero x Blc. Kuam-Miao Chen registered in 1991. This clone was awarded the AM/AOS at the New York International Orchid show in 2002 and also was the best yellow cattleya at the 2003 Miami International Orchid Show. The flower’s sepals and petals are a rich yellow that forms a background for the hugh, intense red purple lip.

Judges:Bob Hague, Jeff Higel, Walter Perrin

35 plants from 18 exhibitors were shown.