January 2009 Plant Table

Show Table January 2009

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of VAOS members. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for January. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

First Place: Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite ‘Blood Bath’ HCC/AOS

Grower: Carol Liddy

This is a hybrid of Calanthe Rozel x Phaius tankervilleae registered in 2000 by E.F.G. Orchids. E.F. G. Orchids has developed this line of breeding and offers clonal propagation of many outstanding clones. Carol’s plant was spotlessly grown and very well flowered.

Second Place and Members’ Choice: Rsc. Lucky Man x C. Nestrasiri Beauty ‘Quest’

Grower: Bob Wallace

The intense, intersting colors of this hybrid caught the eye of both the judges and the members. The flowers had exceptional substance.

Third Place: Brassavola nodosa?

Grower: Joe Crook

This is an abnormal blooming of a B. nodosa that has bloomed many time for Joe. This time, all of the initial inflorescences died just as the buds were becoming visible. Each inflorescence then put out several short branches carrying 3 to 4 flowers each. The flowers were smaller than usual, but created an outstanding display.

Species of the Month: Prosthechea cochleata

Grower: Bill Timm

This Florida native species is found throughout the Carribean, Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America. Forms known for the the number of open flowers, size of flowers and even the number of pollina are found in specific locals throughout its range.

Speakers Choice: Rlc.Arthur Tanner’s Elena Armando.

Grower: Shirley Hoffman

This is a hybrid of Rlc. Llano and C. Ruth Gee ‘Willikers’. Plants of this cross were distrubuted to VAOS members at the Christmas meeting several years ago and are now returning to the plant table.

Judges were Toni Marie, Sue Guagliano, Katie Caldwell and Barbara Rieniets.

16 plants from 7 exhibitors were shown.