July 2005 Plant Table

Show Table July 2005

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for July. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

Ascda F. Midnight delight2 First Place: Ascocenda Fuch’s Midnight Delight

Grower: Orchids Etc.

This is cross of Vanda Pat Delight by Ascosenda Yip Sum Wah that was registered in 1992. Ascda. has been a very useful parent in helping to get more flowers with good arrangement on an inflorescence. In this case there were 26 flowers and 8 buds on the infloresence.

Lc. Netrasiri Waxy 'Jairug'4 Second Place: Laeliocattleya Netrasiri Waxy ‘Jairug’

Grower: Roy Klinger

This intresting plant had 11 flowers on a tall inflorescence. It also appears that this cross was never registered with RHS or won’t show on their database. A Google search shows several listiings for LC. or C. Netrasiri Waxy ‘Jairug’ and some even show an AM award for the clone. If anyone knows the story behind this confusion please send me an email (tmk@uri.edu).

kolopakingii x praestans Third Place: Paphiopedilum kolopakingii x Paph. praestans.

Grower: Sybil Levien

This hybrid, shown under the name above, might be called Paph. Paulsbo which is Paph. kolopakingii x Paph. glanduliferum. The registrar of orchids at the RHS does not recognize Paph. praestans as a separate species, but considers it synonomus with Paph. glanduliferum. The plant shown had four well-presented flowers on one inflorescence.

Stanhopea Assidensis Species of the month: Stanhopea Assidensis

Grower: Richard Amos

The name, Stanhopea Assidensis sounds like a species – and our judges awarded it as such. However, it is reallly a hybird of Stanhopea wardii x tigrina. The award will stand – it was an outstanding plant. The photograph is taken looking upward at the 10 flowers on 3 inflorescences. One inflorescence appears to be a sport and shows three flowers without any of the maroon coloring. Richard was sure that there were not two different plants in the basket.

Bulb Daisy Chain Members Choice and Speakers Choice : Bulbophyllum Daisy Chain (B. makoyanum x B. amseianum)

Grower: Monroe Kokin

This delightful hybrid presented 20 open inflorescences and had 25 inflorescences in bud. The plant can be grown into a very large specimen – one awarded clone had over 100 inflorescences.

Judges: Don Mitchell,Jim Cope and Ed Fox.

22 plants from 9 exhibitors were shown.