June 2012 Speaker

Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Speaker: Tom Aaron,
Green Earth Nursery, Jacksonville
“Using and Creating Micro Climates”
Tom Aaron was born and raised in an agricultural family
with experience growing citrus, corn and soybeans
among other edible crops. At the age of 12 Tom and his
younger brother became interested in growing plants and
began experimenting with dozens of african violet stem
cuttings to create more plants. After that it was just a matter
of time before Tom would eventually start his own orchid farm and a
landscape and interiorscape design business.
Tom holds two degrees in the Horticulture Sciences and currently operates
an orchid farm and orchid propagation lab in Northeast Florida with his
wife Kim – Green Earth Nursery & Landscaping. Tom has been active in
and served on the Board of Directors for the Jacksonville Orchid Society.
Tom’s presentation, entitled “Using and Creating Micro Climates” will focus
the grower on how to be perceptive of your environment, to learn from
your own experiences and to be able to create areas inside and outside of
your home where your orchids can thrive and grow. You’ll learn about the
basics: Temperature, Humidity, Water & Light, and how to use them in
creating a micro climate. Tom will also share some tips on how to enhance
the overall quality of your orchids