May 2004 Plant Table

Show Table May 2004

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant. A Speaker’s Choice award is given by the program speaker and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. The following section describes each of these awards for May. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

IMG_1304.JPG First Place and Members’ Choice: Encyclia Nursery Rhyme

Growers: Bill and Betsy Scevola

This plant had 18 inflorescences with 10-20 flowers per inflorescence creating a massive floral display. It is a cross of Encyclia cordigera x Enc. Atroniceus registered in 1997 by Hawaiian Fl. Nursery. The parent, Enc. Atroniceus, was a cross registered by Jones and Scully in 1960.

The Enc. cordigera parent has also been known as Epi.(Enc.) atropurpurea and many other synonyms.

IMG_1298.JPG Second Place: Dendrobium formosum x Dendrobium tobaense

Grower: Jane Camoratta

This hybrid Dendrobium has not yet been named. It combines the spidery shape of Dend. tobaense with the full fower of Dend. formosum to create a well-balanced. white flower with an intensely colored lip. The exhibited plant had three flowers and nine buds on three canes.

IMG_1295.JPG Third Place: Paph. Harold Koopowitz

Grower: Monroe Kokin

Shown with two flowers on one inflorescense, this plant is an excellent example of the high quality, interesting offspring produced by Paph. rothschildianum. The cross of Paph. malipoense x Paph. rothschildianum was registered in 1995 by Paphanatics. The most recent award to this grex was an FCC of 92 points in 2002 to a plant with five flowers and three buds on three inflorescences.

IMG_1297.JPG Best Species and Speaker’s Commendation: Brassia caudata ‘alba’ JEM’ JC/AOS

Grower: Richard Amos

An interesting form of this species that grows in Florida and much of the tropical Americas. It is reported to have a strong ‘honey’ fragrance. This clone was recognized with the Judges Commendation award by the AOS in 1986 for the “clarity of unspotted yellow color of the sepals and petals and white lip…”

Judges: Sybil Levin, John Beckner, Jane Camoratta

34 plants from15 exhibitors were shown.