May 2007 Plant Table

Show Table May 2007

Monthly meetings include a show table of members’ plants. Six ribbons are awarded each month: four awards are selected by an alternating team of three VAOS member judges. These awards are: one for Best Species, and a First, Second and Third place award to any plant, a Speaker’s Choice award and the VAOS members vote on the plant for Members’ Choice. A Speaker’s Choice was not awarded this month. The following section describes each of these awards for May. Plants are named as presented with minor editing corrections. To view a larger image, click on the photograph.

2007-05-02_2037 First Place: Cattleya schillerianaGrower: Katie Caldwell

A species from Brazil, it was first noticed in 1857 as part of an import collection in the greenhouse of Count Schiller at Hamburgh. Reichenbach published a description of those flowers in the same year. Clones have won nearly 60 awards from the American Orchid Society. Its broad lip and striking color of the sepals and petals make it a favorite.

2007-05-02_2038 Second Place: Ascocenda (Crownfox Sunshine x Fuchs Yellow Snow)

Grower: Katie Caldwell

This unnamed hybird held two inflorescences of sanderiana like flowers. Each parent grex has been recognized with one award and this may be a sibling of those plants.

2007-05-02_2039 Third Place and Members’ Choice: Lc. Fair Catherine ‘Nice Partner’

Grower: Bob and Barbara Wagner

This cross of Lc. Catherine Hood x Lc. Christmas Fairy was registered in 1981. It is a large size semi-alba that flowers regularly in April/May. The plant carried several blooms with more buds to come.

2007-05-02_2040 2007-05-02_2041 Species of the Month: Dendrobium bullenianum

Grower: Bill Timm

This species is a native of the Philippines and grows at lower elevations to 100 m. in areas of year round rainfall. The pseudobulbs begin growth erect and become pendulous as they elongate. The flowers are produced in dense masses tightly clustered near the stem. It belongs to the section Pedilonum which contains many very colorful species.

Judges were Pam Boothe, Roy Klinger, and Yvonne Renzi.

25 plants from 11 exhibitors were shown.