Next Meeting: Wednesday January 7th at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Venice Community Center
Speaker: Roy Krueger
Topic: Show Preparation
Roy moved down here about twelve years ago, bought a house, and inherited three orchids from the previous owner. He soon discovered that orchids multiply faster than rab- bits and he now has over 500, with his favorites being Cat- tleyas and unusual Dendrobiums. Roy grows his orchids in a pool cage, on trees, under arbors, on wind chime holder racks and along his fence out of the reach of squirrels.
He’s neither a born orchidist nor a commercial grower, just an extremely talented hobbyist and his experience and knowledge are displayed at the many classes he teaches at various societies. He served five years as the President of the Manatee Orchid Society and four years in various po- sitions with the Sarasota Orchid Society, writing a monthly article called “Orchids We Should Grow”.
Roy has spoken at many clubs and societies over the years on many orchid topics and is well known for his how-to classes and hands-on approach. Bring your questions and be prepared to learn and have a great time at the January meeting.