This is intense red-purple flowered Dendrobium impressed the judges. This plant presents an interesting name challenge. The plant is available from several vendors on the web – but it is not registered as a hybrid. – It is likely the name Sena Red is a convenience name used by a vendor. Possible, but less likely is that the Sena Red is artifact developed from the name Sianne Red, a cross registered in 1985.
Second Place: Bc. Kosh Wallis ‘Paradise’
Grower: Carol Liddy
A hybrid of B. Little stars by C. Caudebec, the offspring are typical of this type of breeding – a well colored lip with narrow, uniform light colored sepals and petals. The plant is a good grower for our area and can be expected to produce several new leads in a year.
Third Place: Ascda. Theresa Marie
Grower: Carol Liddy
This hybrid of Ascda. Suksamram Spots x V. Doctor. Anek, registered in 2009, has produced a very nice spotted hybrid. Carol’s plant came from Home Depot. Good eye, Carol.
Species of the Month: Rhynchostylis coelestis
Grower: James Thomas
This species was first described as a Saccolabium in 1885, it was moved to the genus Rhynchostylis in 1891. Coelestis is latin for sky blue, a color apparent in the plant shown. It is a summer blooming species from Thailand Cambodia and Vietnam.
Speaker’s Choice & Member’s Choice: Den. Bom JoEar
Grower: Ruth Cress
Another plant that appears to have a name that may have been created by a vendor but was not registered. However, since the name is not on the web, this may be a scrambled tag. The striking red/white color contrast drew the attention of the Speaker and the Members.