VAOS Meeting May 4th, 2022 @ 7:00pm (Doors open @ 6:45pm)

Location: Venice Community Center (Doors open at 6:45pm)

The Speaker will be Dr. Tatiana Arias

Presenting: Research in orchids, including the topics of evolution and conservation

Award-winning botanist  joined the staff of Selby Gardens in November 2021 as an orchid researcher. An innovative scientist who earned a Ph.D. at the University of Missouri, Arias comes to Sarasota from her native Colombia, where she has been leading a research lab focused on orchid genomics, horticulture, and conservation.

Dr. Arias is a classically trained botanist who has kept up with modern methods. Her interest in pursuing novel approaches to science is refreshing. Tatiana brings to us a passion for orchids as well as broad connections to the botanical world and to the Andes, where the greatest region of orchid diversity is found.

Arias, has more than 15 years of experience working in plant sciences. She has been honored by the World Academy of Sciences and The Colombian Academy of Sciences, among other professional achievements.

“I am passionate about and committed to diversity in academia,” Arias said. “This position presents an exciting opportunity to do top-notch orchid science research in an environment of other accomplished scholars.”

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens provides 45 acres of Bayfront sanctuaries connecting people with air plants of the world, native nature, and regional history. For more information visit

VAOS Meeting April 6th, 2022 @ 7:00pm (Doors open @ 6:45pm)

Location: Venice Community Center (doors open at 6:30pm)                                 

The Speaker will be Arthur E. Chadwick

Presenting: “Large Flowered Cattleya Species”.

Chadwick & Son was founded in 1989, and is Richmond’s premier orchid supplier. Arthur’s father, Arthur A. Chadwick, was legendary in the orchid world and had been growing orchids since 1943. He and his son co-authored The Classic Cattleyas on large-flowered Cattleya species. Martha Stewart favorably reviewed the book and both Chadwick’s on her television show where they presented Martha with an orchid named after her … C. Martha Stewart. The Chadwick’s have named Cattleya hybrids after the wives of many U.S. Presidents and have personally presented the flowers to many of the recipients.
Arthur is near completion of another new book, “First Ladies and their Cattleyas: A Century of Namesake Orchids” which is the much anticipated sequel to “The Classic Cattleyas”, now in its second printing. Also written by the father/son team of A. A. Chadwick and Arthur E. Chadwick, the book explores the 100+ year history of United States First Ladies and the cattleya hybrids that bear their names. The lineage of these plants provides an overview of the diverse family of cattleya species that exist in nature as well as an inside look at the renowned growers around the world who played a role in creating these enduring legacies. Also included are the fascinating stories of the actual flower presentations, many of which involved the Chadwick’s.
Chadwick Orchids consists of 11 greenhouses and now includes his father’s extensive collection of heritage orchids, including many very hard to find Cattleya hybrids and species.


VAOS Meeting March 2nd, 2022 @ 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)  

Next Meeting March 2nd, 2022 @ 7:00pm

Location: Venice Community Center (doors open at 6:30pm)

The Speaker will be Naoki Kawamura – Presenting:“Vandas”



I have been growing orchids for little over 20 years.  After my friend bought a house, I asked her what she wanted for a house warming gift.  She said a white Phalaenopsis and mentioned a boutique orchid store in Portland, Oregon.   I visited the store, and was overwhelmed with the variety of orchids, especially multi-growths Paphiopedilum micranthum, which price tag was $800.  I just walked away with a white Phalaenopsis.  A couple days later, I went back to the store and got myself a Dendrobium.   As I tried to learn how to take care of it, I read a couple books.  I also joined Oregon Orchid Society to learn more from other growers.

Although I could not buy the Paphiopedilum micranthum, I acquired my first green Paphiopedilum at the society meeting.   As I visited the monthly meeting, I brought more orchids home from local vendors/speakers.   All of the sudden, my dining table became an orchid table.   Due to cold weather in winter, all orchids were grown under lights.   They responded to the environment well, and I was able to rebloom them.

When we moved to a new house in 2003, our small garage was converted to an orchid growing area.  We had over 100 Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums which were grown under 4 units of 400 watt metal halid lights.  All the orchids stayed inside all year along.  What I didn’t understand was the effect of light spectrum.   They seemed to have grown, but not many bloomed.   While I was struggling to rebloom Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums, I read a blog on Orchid Board about a lady in Michigan growing Vanda under lights successfully in her basement.  I drew a design of the structure and built it out of PVC pipes.  That was the beginning of my Vanda growing in Oregon.  As my Vanda collection started growing, I started selling my Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums.   I believe that was when Facebook became popular and I met several orchid friends from Florida through Facebook.   A trip to Tamiami International Orchid Festival and Redland International Orchid showbecame our annual vacation.

Relocating to Florida was our life long dream and it became true when I accepted a National Sales Support Manager position in April, 2016.  Why Venice?  We never visited Venice before, but thanks to John Masters and his friend/realtor, we managed to purchase the house without walking through it.   Orchid collection was shipped to a friend in Orlando and he had helped them get acclimated to Florida sun.

All my orchids are grown inside the pool cage.  This is a completely different environment than I was used to in Portland Oregon.  Little did I know that it gets cold here for Vandas.  I love new challenge and strive to learn more to grow better.Thanks to the Florida North Central Judging Center, I received 24 American Orchid Society awards in 2021; 7 HCCs, 14 AMs, 1 FCCs, 1 CCM and 1 CHM.