VAOS Holiday Party

No formal meeting this month – except our Holiday Party!!

Saturday, December 7thPlease reserve by Dec 1st so we have the exact count. 

See info. Below. *****

Come and celebrate our VAOS year! Singles, Friends, Partners and Couples welcome!  Listen to some fine music by our fine musicians.  Bring your cash for our amazing blooming orchids auction.  Dance if you can – or watch others!  Listen to your favorite songs by request!

Time:  5:30 – 9:00+

Cost:  $25 per member; cash bar.   Send your reservation by Dec. 1*****

Where:  Boca Royale Golf and Country Club – in the Fairway Dining Room

1601 Englewood Rd #1, Englewood, FL.  Directions:  From Venice, Take State Rd776 towards Englewood. Go 4.5 miles; See club on the left; Make U-turn at Alameda Grande. Club on the right

          5:30: Happy Hour with Cash Bar

Enjoy talking with your colleagues and listen to wonderful music!

View Palmer’s blooming orchids for auction later in the evening

          6:30 Dinner (Choice of One Entree) See the 2013 VAOS Year-in-Review Slide Show 

Beef – Prime Rib of Beef — with Starch and Veggies

Chicken Marsala – with Starch and Veggies

Salmon with Dill Sauce – with Starch and Veggies

Other options:  Vegetarian Meal or Gluten free (Beef, Chicken, or Salmon Dinner)

Hot Rolls, Butter, Beverage (coffee, tea, iced tea, water) & Chocolate Trilogy Dessert

7:45-8:30  Auction of Blooming Orchids with Bill Timm, Auctioneer

Followed by more music! 

*****Please reserve by Dec 1st so we have the exact count ($25 per person)

Send to:

Ali Hicks, VAOS, P.O. Box 443, Venice, FL 34284  Indicate on your check your entrée choice


Meeting Wednesday November 6th at 7:00 p.m.

  • Speaker: Ted Kellogg
  • Topic: Orchid Names from Lan to Lorenara  

Ted needs no introduction, having contributed to our society for many years and currently serving as Immediate Past President and Webmaster. He is an active AOS judge and has been growing orchids and sharing his knowledge and experience for nearly 50 years.

Recorded orchid names have existed for over 2500 years. Through these years, the names people give orchids have continually changed. Ted will give a brief history of how we got to the names we use today. He’ll define and illustrate the ways names of orchid species and hybrids originate and are changed. Examples of commonly grown genera will be illustrated. Ted will address the reasons for the recent changes in orchid names and what the orchid pot name tag at a big box store really means. The intent of his presentation is to help both new and more experienced orchid growers understand the nature of orchid names.

We had planned to hold a Members’ Market at our monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 6, where members would have the opportunity to sell their orchids and supplies.

Due to a lack of participants, with members perhaps wanting to hold their orchids for the upcoming show season, we reluctantly had to cancel the planned event.

In its place, two of our members and one of our local growers will be selling orchids and orchid-themed items as below:

Carol Marcus will be selling cards, art and other items perfect for holiday giving. Carol created the beautiful poster for our 2014 “Orchid Paradise” Show and Sale which was featured in our November newsletter.

Jane Camarota will have a selection of purses for sale with the proceeds benefitting the Orchid Boutique.

Plantio La Orquidea will be selling orchids for those members who were unable to visit their huge orchid sale last weekend. A number of our members went to the sale and reported that they were dazzled by the quality, huge selection and excellent prices.

Ted Kellogg photo

Meeting Wednesday October 2, 2013 at 7:00pm


Speaker: Jamie Lawson

Topic: “Orchids in Love”

  Jamie and Jackie Lawson with their kids, Brian and Lanie, settled in Central Florida in 1990 after a year traveling through Mexico and Central America in their motorhome.  Having their interest piqued by the orchids they saw in the wild, they immediately bought a couple of orchids, took out the ugly white tags and went to their first orchid society meeting and immediately realized they had a lot to learn.

Although Jamie doesn’t claim to be an expert, he has traveled extensively to various growers, both commercial and backyard, and picked their brains.  He is also a member of four orchid societies which he regularly attends and is the past Moderator of the Slipper Orchid Study Group of Florida.

Jamie has an orchid flasking lab in Micco, Florida, Hummingbird Highway Orchid Lab, where he does seed flasking and mericloning.  Everyone is invited to visit the lab and learn about orchid propagation techniques.

Jamie’s talk will be on “Orchids in Love” and will feature pictures and videos of Orchids and bugs doing it. A review of his previous presentations calls “Orchids in Love” a triple X-Rated romp through the steamy jungle bedrooms of the exotic and sensuous world of orchids!


Jamie Lawson in his Lab

Jamie Lawson in his Lab

Jamie will have orchid seedlings and flasks for sale.