Meeting Wednesday March 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

Speaker: Hal Hills  – “Orchid Fragrances”

Harold G. Hills, better known as Hal Hills, received his PhD degree from the University of Miami and has published numerous articles on orchid fragrances and fragrance cycles as well as a taxonomic revision of the genus Dressleria, naming eight of the twelve species in the genus.

Hal will be discussing orchid fragrances, not fragrant orchids, focusing on fragrance collection and analysis, fragrance production, and how fragrances change over the life of the inflorescence. He will also include the effect of changing light on orchid fragrances.

Hal’s presentation is somewhat technical but includes many beautiful photos, particularly of Catasetum, Clowesia and Dressleria. A question and answer period will follow.



VAOS 2013 Orchid Show and Sale

Venice Area Orchid Society Annual Show & Sale – February 2-3, 2013

The Venice Area Orchid Society will present their 47th annual show and sale at the Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave., Venice, FL the first weekend of February. Show hours: 11am-5pm on Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday. Sales begin at 10am on both days. Admission is $5.00, children under 10 free.

Thousands of blooming orchids will be for sale and on display in 15 artistically designed exhibits. Orchid art, accessories and supplies will also be for sale. Widely regarded as the most popular orchid show on Florida’s west coast, the theme this year is “Rhapsody in Hue’.

For more information please contact Show co-chairs Carol Wood and Barbara Wagner

Meeting: Wednesday, February 6th, 7pm Speaker: Doris Dukes

Topic: How Plants Are Judged

I was born in Florida but have lived all over–Texas, New York, Alaska, Virginia, Colorado, etc.  My husband, Bill, and I have been orchid hunting in Equador, Brazil, Jamaica, Venezuela, Thailand and Belize.  Together, we have over 96 AOS cultural awards in every major genus and we lost count of the AOS quality awards we have received.  I have won the Riopelle award in 1996 and 2000 for the best miltoniopsis.  I’ve won the AOS Gold Medal for a 100 sq. ft. exhibit as well as the AOS Show Trophy for a tabletop exhibit.  I’ve been an AOS judge for 25 years and served as the Florida North Central Vice-chair for 3 years and the Chair for 4 years.  My most exciting moment was receiving an FCC on a Paphiopedilum Booth’s Sand Lady and while I grow all kinds of orchids, paphs are my first love.

Regards, Doris

Doris will have plants for sale at the meeting. She may be contacted at