I’m really enjoying the first (for me) blooms of Lc. Brasstown ‘Neon Glow’ and Lc Jewel Box ‘Dark Waters’. So IĀ thought I’d share.
The first is lc Brasstown ‘Neon Glow’ This plant is a mutation in the cloning process of Lc Brasstown ‘Lipstick’. It has a purple line around the petals. There is also a line around the edges of the leaves. This has been a tough plant for me to bloom. I purchased it a NBS (Near Blooming Size) about 4 years ago from Bill Fender. This is it’s first successful flowering. I really love it. I can’t tell you how many times I attempted to photograph this flower until I got something close the the actual bloom.
The second bloom is Lc. Jewel Box ‘Dark Waters’. I had Lc Jewel Box ”Scheherazade’ but when I saw the ‘Dark Waters’ I knew I had to have it. This plant was a division of a large well grown plant, and this is it’s first bloom for me.