Sarasota Display

We had a bit of fun Friday putting together our societies display at the Orchid show in Sarasota.  I was thrown a curve when another commitment kept me from arriving before noon. I didn’t think there would be a problem since I expected to be short on blooms so I figured “how long could it take to put up a display”. I walked in and was shocked by the number and the quality of blooms.

Thankfully all the plants were registered and labeled with the exception of the ones I brought with me, so, I grabbed a bite to eat, got my plants registered, pulled the team together and went to work. We had until 4:00 PM to complete the display and at 3:59 PM it was done.

With a theme of “Wild about Orchids” I wanted to create the feeling of orchids growing on a tree in the wild. But just between us, our orchids were stuck in place using duct tape and wire.

In addition to the great orchids we had to use in our display, Carol Wood and Barb Wagner acquired some exceptional ferns.

Thanks to everyone that helped setting up the display and registering plants – Carol Wood, Ted Kellogg, Ken Dolan, Bill Timm, Richard Amos, Jim Thomas. Also thanks to everyone that assisted in getting the word out that plants would be needed.

The following members exhibited plants and several  ribbons were awarded to VAOS member plants:
Richard Amos (1 blue and 1 yellow ribbon; Most Outstand Miniature Orchid Trophy for Epi. lankesterii (see photo below)
Elinor Burton (1  yellow and 1 red ribbon)
Ted Kellogg (3 blue ribbons)
Carol Liddy (5 blue ribbons – way to go Carol!)
Carol Marcus
Arnie Rapoport
James Thomas ( 1 blue ribbon)
Bill Timm (3 blue ribbons and 1 yellow)
Bob & Barbara Wagner (1 red ribbon)
Bob Wallace (2 blue, 1 red and 1 yellow ribbon)
Carol Wood