VAOS Meeting March 2nd, 2022 @ 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)  

Next Meeting March 2nd, 2022 @ 7:00pm

Location: Venice Community Center (doors open at 6:30pm)

The Speaker will be Naoki Kawamura – Presenting:“Vandas”



I have been growing orchids for little over 20 years.  After my friend bought a house, I asked her what she wanted for a house warming gift.  She said a white Phalaenopsis and mentioned a boutique orchid store in Portland, Oregon.   I visited the store, and was overwhelmed with the variety of orchids, especially multi-growths Paphiopedilum micranthum, which price tag was $800.  I just walked away with a white Phalaenopsis.  A couple days later, I went back to the store and got myself a Dendrobium.   As I tried to learn how to take care of it, I read a couple books.  I also joined Oregon Orchid Society to learn more from other growers.

Although I could not buy the Paphiopedilum micranthum, I acquired my first green Paphiopedilum at the society meeting.   As I visited the monthly meeting, I brought more orchids home from local vendors/speakers.   All of the sudden, my dining table became an orchid table.   Due to cold weather in winter, all orchids were grown under lights.   They responded to the environment well, and I was able to rebloom them.

When we moved to a new house in 2003, our small garage was converted to an orchid growing area.  We had over 100 Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums which were grown under 4 units of 400 watt metal halid lights.  All the orchids stayed inside all year along.  What I didn’t understand was the effect of light spectrum.   They seemed to have grown, but not many bloomed.   While I was struggling to rebloom Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums, I read a blog on Orchid Board about a lady in Michigan growing Vanda under lights successfully in her basement.  I drew a design of the structure and built it out of PVC pipes.  That was the beginning of my Vanda growing in Oregon.  As my Vanda collection started growing, I started selling my Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums.   I believe that was when Facebook became popular and I met several orchid friends from Florida through Facebook.   A trip to Tamiami International Orchid Festival and Redland International Orchid showbecame our annual vacation.

Relocating to Florida was our life long dream and it became true when I accepted a National Sales Support Manager position in April, 2016.  Why Venice?  We never visited Venice before, but thanks to John Masters and his friend/realtor, we managed to purchase the house without walking through it.   Orchid collection was shipped to a friend in Orlando and he had helped them get acclimated to Florida sun.

All my orchids are grown inside the pool cage.  This is a completely different environment than I was used to in Portland Oregon.  Little did I know that it gets cold here for Vandas.  I love new challenge and strive to learn more to grow better.Thanks to the Florida North Central Judging Center, I received 24 American Orchid Society awards in 2021; 7 HCCs, 14 AMs, 1 FCCs, 1 CCM and 1 CHM.