VAOS Meeting Wed, April 3rd 2019

Speaker – Allen Black                                                                          

Topic – Brassavola/Cattleya Alliance Breeding – Spiders And Stars

Join us for this month’s program as Allen Black will be presenting a talk on his favorite genus, Brassavola/Cattleya Alliance Breeding.

Allen Black was exposed to the pleasures of horticulture at a very young age in central Pennsylvania.
Early exposure to houseplants, flower beds, and vegetable gardening was common for Allen in his formative years.
He is hobbyist orchid grower and breeder (i.e., non-commercial) living in Richmond, VA.
He has been growing and breeding orchids for over 25 years.
His main breeding efforts have been directed at Brassavola-Cattleya alliance novelty hybrids.
He has just registered his 80th orchid hybrid!
He performs his own orchid laboratory work, including flask media preparation, seed sowing, & replating.
He has traveled throughout Central and South America to see orchids growing in the “wild”.
Some of the results of his Orchid breeding efforts can be seen on his web
site: Allen Black’s Brassavola & Other Orchids

Novelty Brassavola/Cattleya Alliance Breeding – Spiders And Stars
Are you growing weary of the meristem, more-of-the-same, big, round, beautiful, Cattleya alliance hybrids?
Do you want some “different, unique, or exciting”?
This presentation is for you! There’s still hope in the orchid breeding world!
Explore the breeding results of hobbyist orchid breeder, Allen Black.
His breeding efforts have been directed at developing novelty flowers, something different, beautiful, & unusual.
He approaches breeding as an art form. Breeding Brassavola/Cattleya alliance is his specialty.
The presentation includes lots of beautiful pictures and covers the following topics:
– Breeding goals.
– Brassavola species – My favorite parents.
– Brassavola primary hybrids.
– Brassokeria (Brassavola X Barkeria hybrids).
– Other wild & wonderful Brassavola/Cattleya alliance hybrids.

Meeting starts 7:00 – Doors open at 6:30.
Venice Community Center