Next Meeting: Wednesday
Feb. 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Venice Community Center (doors open at 6:30pm)
Speaker: Vern Bloch
Topic: “What’s Wrong With My Orchid”
Vern Bloch is a retired Navy pilot who first became interested in orchids after leaving the service in 1987. Two years later, Vern, and his wife, Helen, became owners of the Palm Bay Orchid Range and participated in many orchid shows around the state. They sold the nursery in 2004 but continue to do business on a small scale. For the past twenty years, Vern has conducted programs for numerous orchid societies ranging from the Florida Keys to North Carolina.
Vern’s main interest has always been in the cattleya alliance and his presentation will focus on the Epidendrums, Encyclias and Prothecheas genera. Many orchids were originally misclassified as Epidendrums and Vern will show you how to differentiate between them and provide culture tips on how to grow them here in Florida. All are members of the cattleya family and their hybrids, Epicatts, have become very popular in recent years. They are easy to grow in Florida, providing us with a wide range of colors and shapes.
Vern will be happy to answer questions and will have an assortment of fine species Orchids for sale.